In the first month only we were able to bring the average cost per click down by 14% working exactly on the same budget as before while having 12,3% more clicks in absolute terms and having over 31% less overall impressions on our ads which meant we were targeting better the viewers that led simply in the first month to a growth of 60% in CTR.
We were happy that XperiencePoland let us focus on our work while creating great environment for us to ask questions in order to bring better creative ideas to the ads targeting their customers. Over the course of the first 6 months period we generated the following results. Starting from the most important – the absolute number of conversions which was a collosal 264% higher than the number from the previous months. Cost per conversion has dropper by 64%. Click-through-rate has increased within this time up by 116%. And the most important thing of all is that everything was possible within the same budget for the campaign.